<Gabriel Vilar />

CTO | Tech Leader | Software Engineer

Hello, I am
Gabriel Vilar

I have a degree in Systems Analysis and have been working in web development for over 17 years, focusing on backend 💜. I have extensive experience in software architecture, process automation, and application scalability. Additionally, I am a big enthusiast of the open-source world and passionate about photography 📸. My professional journey has been mostly in the Linux environment, where I gained deep knowledge about servers, infrastructure, and system optimization. Throughout my career, I have actively participated in open-source projects such as Ubuntu RN, GNOME Brazil, and Salvatore, Debian's translation platform, contributing to the evolution of tech communities. Currently, I am always looking for innovative challenges, applying best practices like Clean Code, SOLID, and DevOps to deliver robust and efficient solutions. If you need help or want to exchange ideas about technology, development, and innovation, I am available!

Gabriel's Vilar profile image.

Years of experience

+ Completed projects

Technologies mastered

K+ Lines of code written

cogumm.net | since 2008

Don't waste time copying this site, as the entire project is in my repository on GitHub, with the license MIT.